mineral deficiency
By Rhonda Johansson
No sex drive? Tired all the time? Bad breath? You may have a vitamin deficiency
“Not now, honey. I’ve got a headache.” If this isn’t an excuse anymore — if you really do have a headache and feeling less than amorous lately, you could have a vitamin deficiency. How about that halitosis? Do plants turn brown when you talk to them? Look at your nails. See any white spots on them? […]
By Vicki Batts
4 out of 5 cases of cancer among blacks can be prevented with vitamin D
In a recent video lecture, the Health Ranger explained the many ways in which blacks are being targeted for genocide. The shocking YouTube video titled “The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks” describes a variety of “tactics that seek to eliminate blacks from our planet,” including the revelation that many cases of cancer could easily be […]
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